DJ Hashtag: A Zumbathon for Life (Fundación Pohema)

Posted: Saturday, September 21, 2013 by Smart Hashtag in Labels: , , , ,

Last night We had the pleasure of animating an All Star Zumbathon in Broward to benefit the Fundación ( - an organization for the research and support of children with cancer and hematological diseases in Cali, Colombia

As part of our contribution, we created short animated clips to promote their social media presence (@pohema and their hashtag: #pohema) as well as the organization's mission. A pretty effective pre-show communication medium, taking advantage of the fact that attendants are just standing there staring at the stage for the show to begin.

The event brought together a roster of Zumba All-Stars, including an special appearance by Zumba's legend Fabio,  and the incredible energy of  a roster of world-class Zumba instructors: Lucía, Luz, Chris, Gaby,  Diana Wilson and Gio.

Check the Gallery in our Facebook page and Videos in our You Tube channel.
Thanks to all participants for sharing your enthusiasm and your Zumba love! (and for supporting #Pohema).